Payment assistance

We usually accept commonly known insurances.

Our staff will assist you in determining the best financial option for your treatment, which could include:

  • State assistance program

  • Payment arrangement

  • Copay assistance

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Since this is an oncology clinic, I am only accepting patients who have been diagnosed with a chronic medical condition, such as Cancer, Cardiovascular diseases, Diabetes, Autoimmune diseases (i.e., Multiple Sclerosis, Myasthenia Gravis, etc.), and Chronic Pain.

HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP)

Know your rights: This is where you can find out how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can access this information.

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Insurance Information

Please provide your insurance information and we will be in touch with you shortly.

* Our patient accounting staff will meet with you at your initial visit to discuss your insurance plan and payment options.

Information collected from this website or provide on any form you have submitted through the website is used only in conjunction with an interest by the user in obtaining additional information Bekke Abe Therapy. This information is not considered Protected Health Information (PHI) and will be used to contact you because you have requested that you be contacted. In addition, information provided on the website or in any response to you is not and cannot be considered therapeutic advice or treatment.