“Healing doesn’t mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls your life.” ~ Akshay Dubey
Carl Rogers evokes the urge to investigate the concept of the “congruent self”, which embraces the idea that what one feels, thinks, and expresses are one and the same, without fear or apprehensions. (On Becoming a Person, p. 61) This is the authentic self, brought to the therapy situation on which trust is built to lead to more promise of sustainable change.
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Here is a list of some of the common concerns that accompany cancer, that people often come into therapy: Fear of recurrence; Depression; Anxiety; Anger; Uncertainty; Loss of control; Loss of independence; Sexual dysfunction; Survivor's guilt and/or shame; Fatigue; Changes in cognitive functioning; Physical limitation from treatment; Body image issues; and Grief over what is lost.
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Depression and Anxiety
Here is a list of some of the common causes of depression and anxiety that people often come into therapy: Abuse (past sexual, emotional, and physical); Conflicts; Death or loss; Major events; Genetics; Certain medications; Serious illness; Financial concerns; and other personal problems.
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Relationship Difficulties
Here is a list of some of the common relationship problems that people often come into therapy: Life Stages; Traumatic and/or life-changing events; Communication difficulties; Unsupported partner; Anxiety due to illness; Caregiver burnout; Feelings of isolation or abandonment; Financial strain; and other personal conflicts.